Matt (WebMagic) posted in the topic Limestone Networks Group Buy in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 11 months ago
Hey Jay – I didnt get a PM from you if you sent one. fyi
Matt (WebMagic) posted in the topic Limestone Networks Group Buy in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 11 months ago
@Alchemy – Yes you can move your old sites to the new server. I think theres a way to do cpanel transfers. It may cost money and we can look into that. Otherwise theres always the good ol fashion copy and paste method that works just fine too.
Matt (WebMagic) changed their profile picture 9 years, 11 months ago
Remco and
Matt (WebMagic) are now friends 9 years, 11 months ago
Matt (WebMagic) posted in the topic Limestone Networks Group Buy in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 11 months ago
Jake, if you don’t mind, I will take the initiative here and run with it. I have a server being built specifically for the mastermind group but don’t have enough bodies to fill up the slots, so thought I’d go ahead and open it up here too. If this is NOT cool, just let me know and I’ll hand over the reins. But I assume you guys are really busy the…[Read more]
Matt (WebMagic)‘s profile was updated 10 years ago
WebMagic posted in the topic The Right Hosting Setup in the forum General 10 years ago
The problem with shared hosting is that you will not have the ability to tweak settings in the php files to make your builds possible. They will limit you on bandwidth too which will limit the amount of spiders/bots that hammer your site when you run IA…which may affect indexing rates and site speed (rankings). You probably won’t see an issue…[Read more]
WebMagic posted in the topic Proper Anchor Text Diversification in the forum SEO 10 years, 1 month ago
Yes this method will work worldwide. The key lies in your database. Generally speaking, the bigger the better. Go out and create or pay for a very detailed and in-depth database that covers everywhere you need.
WebMagic posted in the topic Proper Anchor Text Diversification in the forum SEO 10 years, 1 month ago
I honestly think it would be very wise of you to reconsider your entire approach to making money online. Is it still possible to rank sites in competitive niches and make money with Clickbank or other CPA offers? Yes, but man you really have to be smart about it, you’re going to have to be super patient, and you’re probably going to need to spend…[Read more]
WebMagic posted in the topic Proper Anchor Text Diversification in the forum SEO 10 years, 1 month ago
I used to use SER pretty extensively and created a huge amount of targets to blast to for everything from YouTube vids to affiliate sites. And I will say that it used to work really good…until it just stopped working. My advice would be to not waste your time with it, even for anchor text diversity. What were learning now is that links that are…[Read more]
WebMagic posted in the topic Is it possible to Assault too many pages? in the forum IndexAssault (IA) 10 years, 2 months ago
Good question Tim.
My last site I decided to IA all 95k pages, but before I pinged the bots I manually edited the video sitemap to include only about 56k lines, which from comparing to my old sites, should be around 3,000 posts. My theory was that I wanted to have the video schema markup on each and every page, but the xml sitemap would’ve been…[Read more]
WebMagic posted in the topic Give and Take with search volume and rankings on SS Sites in the forum General 10 years, 2 months ago
I always check to make sure that people are in fact searching for the product locally. So I’ll use KW planner to make sure that there is at least some search volume showing up for the big cities. Then check out what is showing up for those searches when you do a manual check.
Do a search in a bunch of different locales and see if you see the…[Read more]
WebMagic posted in the topic 2 New SEMeasy Masterminds – Open Training and Elite Mastermind in the forum SEMeasy 10 years, 2 months ago
I just submitted my application. A little slow on the draw so I hope it’s not too late.
WebMagic started the topic Quick Fix for SerpShaker Platnium SEO Title Mess Up in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 2 months ago
Hey all,
If anyone has built out pages with SS v 1.06, you’ve probably noticed that the titles are all messed up. The titles mash together with the site title, which isn’t going to help your sites rankings I doubt. Here’s a quick fix that will at least put a pipe (|) between the 2 titles…
Step 1: Use a text editor like Notepad ++ to open…[Read more]
WebMagic posted in the topic Using Brand Names for Products…SS Adsense Question in the forum General 10 years, 3 months ago
Are you asking about using brands as keywords in the titles + city? Or are you asking about buying domains with brand names in the URL?
If latter, don’t do it. I did it once and got a cease and desist email from the company as soon as I hit page 1. If former, I don’t think there’s any issues with targeting brand names in the title as…[Read more]
WebMagic posted in the topic Dedicated Server Problems with Limestone – Need Help With Database Setup/Optimization! in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 3 months ago
Hey Jake, thanks for the reply. Yeah I’m just gonna let those spiders do their thing then and not worry about it.
All of my sites are already using cloudflare so all is good there. I know I’ve heard you talk about how you use IA on only a few thousands pages, maybe 3k max. I’ve been using it on all 44k. Only because I want those videos on every…[Read more]
WebMagic posted in the topic Dedicated Server Problems with Limestone – Need Help With Database Setup/Optimization! in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 4 months ago
I added StatPress and yeah it looks like attack of the Google bots that might be slowing down my sites. I have spyderspanker. Should I use this to throttle them down somehow? If so, will that affect indexing the pages at all?
WebMagic started the topic Dedicated Server Problems with Limestone – Need Help With Database Setup/Optimization! in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 4 months ago
Hi all,
I’ve been pushing out huge SS SLL SLL (whatever) style sites using a dedicated server setup on Linux through Limestone. I’ve seen a ton of database issues that I’m constantly dealing with. As soon as I get one problem fixed, another problem pops up. It’s really frustrating to say the least.
Anyway, I’ve submitted more than a fair…[Read more]
WebMagic posted in the topic SerpShaker Ideas – What Can I Do With SerpShaker? 10 Ideas That Make Money in the forum General 10 years, 5 months ago
I think what Mark is trying to say is that you can build huge SS sites without having to target localities. Think about how many video games there are.
Example of xbox 360 games…According to Wikipedia “There are currently 1,125 games (multiplatform: 925; exclusive: 187; console exclusive: 72) on this list as of August 16, 2014.”…[Read more]
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